Field of research: Pre-modern alternatives

  • Prof. Dr. Anette Baumann

    Sub-Project: Subjects in court – Use of courts and its alternatives by subjects in the pre-modern period


  • Prof. Dr. Albrecht Cordes M.A.

    Sub-Projects: On the resolution of conflicts between medieval merchants, Trade policy conflicts between the Londoner Merchant Adventurers and the Hanseatic League around 1550


  • Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernhard Diestelkamp

    Sub-Project: Subjects in court – Use of courts and its alternatives by subjects in the pre-modern period

  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Duve

    Sub-Project: Conflict resolution by church authorities in the New World in the 16th Century


  • PD Dr. Ralf Frassek

    Sub-Project: Conflict resolution in early Protestant marital law in Saxony

  • Dr. Dr. Nadine Grotkamp

    Sub-Project: Legal protection in Hellenic Egypt


  • Prof. Dr. David von Mayenburg M.A.

    Sub-Project: History of conflict resolution in Europe. Compendium


  • Prof. Dr. Guido Pfeifer

    Sub-Project: Pactum de non petendo clauses in ancient Near Eastern contractual and trial documents


  • Prof. Dr. Luise Schorn-Schütte

    Sub-Project: Urban unrest in Europe in the 16th/17th Centuries – pre-modern conflict resolution without court proceedings


  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Alain Wijffels

    Sub-Project: Trade policy conflicts between the Londoner Merchant Adventurers and the Hanseatic League around 1550


  • Field of research: Alternatives in modern times

  • Prof. Dr. Iwo Amelung

    Sub-Project: Conflict prevention and conflict resolution mechanisms in China in the late Imperial Era


  • Prof. Dr. Moritz Bälz, LL.M.

    Sub-Project: Reassessment of judicial and extrajudicial dispute resolution in Japan


  • PD Dr. Peter Collin

    Sub-Project: Balancing of state and private interests by arbitral institutions in the Germany of the German Empire and the Weimar Republic


  • Prof. Dominique Demougin, PhD

    Sub-Project: Third-Party Financing of Litigation from a Legal-Economic Perspective

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Fahrmeir

    Sub-Project: System competition and case preferences: Common law vs. equity in England in the 18th and 19th Centuries


  • Prof. Dr. Felix Maultzsch, LL.M.

    Sub-Project: Third-Party Financing of Litigation from a Legal-Economic Perspective


  • Prof. Dr. Louis Pahlow

    Sub-Project: Conflict resolution mechanisms in national and international cartels in the first half of the 20th Century


  • Prof. Dr. Joachim Rückert

    Sub-Project: Fighting, judging, reconciling: Conflict resolutions in employment law


  • Prof. Dr. iur. Indra Spiecker genannt Döhmann, LL.M.

    Project: Die Befriedungsfunktion von Elementen des Verwaltungsverfahrens im Konflikt mit materiellem Recht


  • Prof. Dr. Miloš Vec

    Sub-Project: Conflict resolution in international law


  • Prof. Dr. Joachim Zekoll

    Sub-Project: ADR and the Rule of Law in the USA
